Monday 2 February 2009

Snowed under and looking like abominable snow creatures

After I neglected Isis the dog somewhat over the weekend, I thought I take her for a long walk today. When we left the house around midday it was snowing very slightly. The odd flake here and there. By the time we got to the bank we were in the middle of a blizzard. Traffic around us was at a standstill (and I had to chuckle to myself hehe) and we got very strange looks as we really did appear to come straight from the Himalayas ;) Isis didn't appreciate it much being out in this weather for about 2 hours, but I did. So tough titties!!!

I am also snowed under with things to do, but havent been able to get my head round it. Somehow suffering from having had a couple of bottles of wine over the weekend. Not my fault, mind you, I was led astray hahaha. Not that I put up much resistance LOL And I did enjoy every drop of it as it was in exquisite company even though the music offerings turned out to be utter tripe. Quite amusing really and very shameful!

I've just come out of a long overdue bath and need to go out again. Tobacco shortage! Well, as I have put myself down with the NHS Together programme to stop smoking on 15th February, that might soon be something of the past. I really do want to stop, if I will manage is another question. 38 years of smoking certainly have left a mark, albeit not a positive one.

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