Friday 6 February 2009

Freak Weather

It's just mad! After it thawed heavily all afternoon and early evening yesterday and there was hardly any snow left, I woke up to this (pic) this morning. Ankle deep in snow I was when going for the morning walk. It seems to be relentless as it is still snowing here. Big fat flakes. Watched the news earlier and it said dry and sunny in the afternoon in the Southwest. Errrrrm excuse me, metereology office, but I think you might have got that just a tad wrong. Here I was a week ago preparing myself for spring and now this. Ok, I loooooove the snow and I really enjoy going out at the moment and really it is the RIGHT weather for the beginning of February, but it's still freaky. I have only seen once 3 days like this since coming to England in 1985. I am lucky I dont have to go anywhere or do anything, I can just sit here and enjoy the falling snowflakes out of my window. Poor people who are trying to get up the hill outside the house in a car though. Watched the bus this morning negotiating stopping at the bus stop. It managed eventually - half way down the hill! Since then I havent seen a bus.

Poor P. had to go to work in the 'nearest' office again. Told him to phone in and say that he had slipped when walking the dog or something and take the day off. But no, he insisted on going. I think he likes to suffer! Must be the reason he is living with me *chrr chrr*

Worried about my friend Kittie at the moment. Thoug
ht as I didnt hear anything, that would be good and everything working out and stuff, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Drinking is not the answer ... I dont believe I am saying this! That just shows how much I have changed LOL. I reckon it's time for some serious arse kicking and another trip to London. Mind you, sorta stuck here at the moment. And she bloody well knows that *glare*


H. Heart said...

Drinking is not the answer. You have learned so much. Proud of you. Now we just need to love Kitty unconditional but not love some of her choices.
So thankful for the friendship of both of you special women. x

PS Stay warm. : )

Changedit said...

Humble, I do love her undconditionally ... I hope she knows that. However, I am not one to let a friend harm herself. As you say, it's the choice I dont love ^^ But I know this is a temporary blip in the bigger picture :)

So grateful for your friendship too, sweety, and cant wait to see you soon.