Sunday 8 February 2009

Lazy Sunday

A typical lazy day is being had by all. No stress, no must-do's, no worries, not much movement. As it is very hard to walk outside, Isis and I have been quite immobile too. She doesn't like it much, nor do I. Anyway, the snow as such is gone, just frozen brown slush left ... yuck! I will go out with her in a minute again though to wake up after my 40 winks (ok ok it was an hour), as I was up half the night due to silly dreams about ants and cockroaches, and then make pizza. Tonight is TV night ... first Larkrise to Candleford and later on Being Human. More lazy hazy time :) Crocheting seashells at the moment and havent quite got the hang of it. Somewhere there is a blip in the pattern, just not sure where yet. My aim was to make at least 5 large ones today, but I don't think that's going to happen now. Never mind. If I get one that looks perfect I shall be quite happy.

Yesterday was quite a stupid day. I did plan to go shopping early in the morning to avoid the crowds. Then I realised that the buses round here weren't running. I kept waiting and hoping that they might start up. At about 1.30pm I decided to take Isis and a rucksack and walk down to the shops. As we were about to leave the house, I saw the first bus. I chucked the rucksack back into the front room and just went for a walk with Isis, deciding that I would take the bus after. That way I would be able to take my granny shopping trolley. I can't carry anything more than a pint of milk in my hands safely these days and even a rucksack with a few things causes major problems with my back and shoulders, knees and hips. When I got back with the dog, no more buses had gone up and down the hill. So I waited some more until I finally saw another one. Zoomed across the street and off I went. Presuming that the supermarket will be empty, I was quite looking forward to the excursion. But have and behold, ASDA was absolutely heaving, people making hamster buys, obviously either ran out of supplies over the few days of snow or just getting more in in case the weather turns again. There were queues from the tills up all aisles. Dreadful! I got back and was completely shattered. Pete was then volunteered by me to cook ... which he did without any argument :) Maybe it was the amount of people whizzing around that made me dream of the creepy crawlies. That wouldnt surprise me!

Had a funny little dream too. As this is the second cake in as many weeks I have made and Pete hasn't participated in, I told him yesterday that it was the last one I make. In my dream I did the same, and then found out, that he had eaten all the topping out of spite. When I woke up and remembered, it made me giggle and go to the kitchen to check LOL.

Right, that's all from my boring little corner of the world. Hope you all had a more exciting/wonderful/happy/fulfilling Sunday.

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