Thursday 1 January 2009

Oh, yes it is ....

So, it remains to be seen what it will bring. Despite illness, treatment and plenty of ups and downs, 2008 wasn't too bad. However, I've been looking forward to this year now as I somehow know, this is going to be THE ONE!!! The one where everything will balance itself out, where success and self-appreciation will be part of my daily diet, where pressures and journeys into old, self-destructive realms are finally going to be a thing of the past. I have learned so much in the last few months and now i will have time to apply this knowledge and wisdom. I haven't got many wishes for 2009, just that I don't waver from the path I have started and that the rippling of the stone I have thrown into the pool of love will continue to ripple and spread out.

I hope you all are happy and content, loving others and yourselves.

Namaste ...


Robin said...

Probably a stupid question but I wanted to follow your blog but am not sure how to do so. Is there a way you can contact me since I am already registered as a Google/Blogger? If so, please do so wiht instuctions. thanks..robin

Changedit said...

Hi Robin, just tried to see if there is an email on your blog. But no such luck. Hope you will read this. As far as I know there should be a selectable 'follow this blog' on mine. if not, just put it in your Favourites. Thats how I follow most of the blogs.

Belated happy New Year to you.
Karina x