Wednesday 21 January 2009

Sleep just doesn't come easy these days

Urrrgh, and I feel bloody rotten for it. Banging headache, dizziness, shivers and hot flushes ... and no, it's not a cold or the flu. Went to bed just after midnight and managed to fall asleep around 1am. Woke up at 3am, went to the loo, back to bed and jolted into consciousness at 5am. Not an ounce of tiredness left at that point. Got up and crocheted a hippo, went for a walk with the dog, read through daughters' lengthy email again and now I am battling with heavy eyelids and the aforementioned symptoms. And I had planned to get the free bus to Tesco's at 10.50am to finally spend the £20 gift voucher from my dear friend on a food processor. Somehow I don't think this will happen today. I know it isn't a case of complete and utter urgency, but I hate it when I am too delapidated to do the things I really want to and plan to do. I also need to start advertising my crochet classes for March a bit more, otherwise I will have a nice hired room, but no class. With everything bouncing around in my head though, I don't feel very creative with words and I reckon there is nothing worse than a badly worded and half-heartedly placed advert. So I am going to postpone this until the weekend hoping by then I will have got back a halfway organised structure of thoughts.

Should I go back to bed now or am I just going to jeopardise my night sleep with it? Oh, decisions, decisions ....

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