Tuesday 1 April 2008

Naaaah we haven't got them yet ...

... was the reply of the receptionist at the Health Centre when I just finally got through and asked for my blood results. So I have wound myself up all morning for nothing. Typical! Can't do anything but ring tomorrow. Now I am sitting here all edgy with mega fatigue, coz I didnt manage to sleep again this morning. That broke my usual pattern and I am suffering the consequences. I shall have to work at winding down now. Ommmmmmmm ... nope ... that didnt help. Maybe a little lie down in a minute will do the trick.

I have lost the last longish nail I had this morning. The all seem to half lift off the nail bed and being brittle on top of it, the just split of with a nice 'boinnnng'. I reckon I will start wearing thin gloves soon when out in public. My hands look more of a mess than usual. I have always hated my hands and in the old drug days (I am talking mid 70s here) looking at my hands when on Lysergacid could almost bring on a horror trip. Now I dont even need the LSD for that.

In a very grumpy mood now, been shouting at Isis more than usual for picking up and devouring rubbish in the street. Normally I can avoid her doing it, but I have to think 10 steps ahead of her. But I am just not capable of that at the moment, so the little Madam takes her chance at gobbling everything in sight. Arrrghh! So this cycle of events is triggered: she picks up, I shout, she gets even more determined, I take her on a short lead, her stubbornness nearly has me off my perch, I shout, she spies the next edible item, pulls, shout, pulls more, shout more and by the end of the 'walk' we are both so wound up that we dont look at each other for a couple of hours when we get home. Also a way of having peace and quiet ... or not??

No news from the 'Oh-Holy-One'. But I am sure he has not forgotten about me and is plotting a nice surprise as I write. It usually does take him a couple of days to find some kind words after reading what I have written. What will it be this time? Flowers? Chocolates? Diamonds? Oh I cant bear the waiting ....


pixie said...

You do realise the Imam will not be happy he is waiting with baited breath for some results, this will just reinforce his thinking your a troll or worse....Lol..perhaps photographic evidence might swing it ...and the doors to forum city.....Px

Ps you put the stats counter on yet..?...

Me said...

I understand what you're going through as I did the same during tx. It sucks to not feel as on top of things or mentally clear. And it's frustrating to always wait for med results.