Wednesday 19 March 2008

The week goes on ....

There isn't really that much to report. The body seems to get used to the Ribavirin and so determines the schedule of the day. I take them at 8.30am and usually have to lie down by about 10am. I can usually tell that it is time for bed by my neck feeling like it has just received a great big whack with a tree trunk and my eyes going heavy and runny, then my mouth opens and closes in great big yawns. However, about an hours' snoozing and I can get up again. That means the first highlight of the day: going to the shop with the dog. It's a short walk, 10 minutes there, 10 minutes back, 5 minutes in the shop, but I would never have imagined that it would feel like a treat to be able to do that. Then back at home, pottering around, doing a bit of housework, stopping frequently for a rest, mainly sitting at the computer, reading in the forums and playing EarthLost. I dont even get round to having a session of GuildWars these days, dont feel that I can concentrate. At around 2pm the second highlight of the day: take Isis to the health park and feel wonderful once we have finished the round which takes about 20 minutes. I am not dead yet ... yayyyyy :-) After that, I am ready for another lay-down and/or snooze. Usually back up at 4.30pm, by which time Jessi is bound to phone any minute. Another welcome distraction, and I dont have the feeling that I have to say anything as she talks for England any way. The rest of the evening passes with cooking, a bit more cleaning, maybe half hour TV and more PC until I am so dog-tired that I fall asleep after reading a couple of pages.

However, sleep is very disrupted at the moment. At least up twice during the night for loo and water, often a cigarette too. And my dreams are vivid, disturbing images. Maybe I should start writing them down again as soon as I wake up. That might make interesting reading.

Woooohoooooo, here we go, Ribas kicking in. Off to bed .... laters taters.

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