Sunday 8 March 2009

On a very wet & windy night ....

Despite there being an air of spring about during the day, when it drew to a close yesterday, the evening and night turned into very wet and even more windy. But I had arranged to meet the ex-husband and his girlfriend and I wasn't going to pull out. I was so determined to go out and have a good time LOL. When I mentioned meeting them earlier in the day to P, he decided to come with me. Not unwelcome on my side either, as I said, it was the ex AND g/f I was meeting, so 2 is company, 3 is a crowd and 4 is just a nice number :) We were just about leaving the house when the ex's g/f texted that they were running late. 8.45pm instead of 8.30pm. Not a problem I texted back. So P and I took the bus into town (I had a day ticket anyway after having been shopping twice yesterday already) and went to meet them at the Watershed Media Centre, a nice place at the Waterfront, with cinema, good food and a good selection of drinks. We got there exactly at 8.45pm. Bought a drink (nice organic lager yumm yumm) and sat down. The minutes started ticking past, no sign of them. At about 21.15 h I was just about to text them sarcastically "Oh, I didnt know you meant 9.45pm", when they walked in. As from then the evening went quite well, animated conversation - between me and g/f of ex. You see, that's the problem. She involves me in chatting so I don't chat to the ex. But I can't help liking her, she is kind of sweet. She also has the habit of asking a question, and me being me go into a lengthy answer and am just about finished with it, when she turns round and says: "sorry, what was that you said?" So I end up having to tell her everything twice, first time in full and then a second shortened version, just in case she can't follow me again. But as I said, she is kind of sweet. Blonde ... but sweet :D Well I guess I am just glad there was no animosity. Oh yes, and I got a lovely kiss and big hug from the ex at the end *blush*

I am also glad, that despite the fact that P had some alcohol, he remained pleasant all evening. That is not always the case and I did worry a bit. But all was fine, so I am a happy little camper today. Oh yes, and because it was organic lager I drank (only 3 little glasses mind) I am happy to say: NO HANGOVER!

Had planned on a walk to Ashton Court with the dog and my new friend K, but it is pissing down so much that we decided not to. She has also been partying until 8am, so isn't quite fit to go anywhere. I might pop down to hers for coffee later, but it hasn't been decided yet. So I am going to start spring-cleaning the kitchen now. Got too much penned up energy to just sit around LOL. Or is it just that I have drunk too much coffee haha.

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