22nd shot, 1 day earlier than usual ... and rather sick! Strangely enough I have read that from quite a lot of people that the last few shots are the worst. How does the body know, that it is the last ones? Or is it just the fact, that the system is totally oversaturated with medication at that time? But that cant be, because people on 48 or 72 weeks would then permanently be sick from about week 20. Strange stuff this interferon! There isn't actually much to say at this stage, apart from 'head down and trough'. My hair is falling out steadily, pillow, t-shirts, hats, bath tub ... everything is covered with it. Simply running my hand through it results in bushels of hair between my fingers. Arrrgh! I am wondering if I should shave it off now, give it the chance to grow from scratch? Not that it has grown at all the last 5 months. Hmmmmm ... oh what to do?
Planning for the party is running ok so far. I really hope that all the people, who want to come, are going to be able to come on the day. I wonder what Pete will make of a bunch full of heppers in the garden *ggg*. I would really quite like to go and do some leafletting in the centre of Bristol, but not sure if we would have the time. Although, if people arrived middayish on Saturday, we could bus it in and do a couple of hours. It is always very busy in town on weekends. I shall have to ask the party attendees. Not everybody is comfortable with it, I reckon.
Ohhhh, Jessica's gynaecologist is 90% sure it will be a girl. I was livid with joy when I heard :-) But I must tell her, not to call the baby Samira. I learned yesterday, that that was the name of Saddam Hussein's second wife O.O
congratulations! I was so happy when I had two to go. Yes my body was sick. The last one I was the sickest. Maybe its the last of the great battle. I'm sure our sub-conscience knows whether we are on 24 or 48 weeks that the end is coming.
And congratulations on the baby girl. Thats so exciting.
Hugs xx
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