When I sat in the bath yesterday, all bare and accessible and I was washing myself down with the wonderful Aqueous cream, I noticed how bad my skin has gone in places. Particularly my outer thighs and bottom are affected. And my face. You can stroke the skin in one direction and it feels dry but ok-ish, but if you go the other way it's like sandpaper. Being a practical sort of woman, I thought at the next bout of better, rain-free, weather we have, I shall bare it all again, sit on my garden bench and sand it down. Lizard skin gotta be good for something. :-)
Had my end of tx PCR result yesterday: NEGATIVE! The world looks quite different today! Although I still think they did the PCR a few weeks too early, but they probably wanted it done and dusted for my last, yes LAST, visit on 28th August. I must confess, to celebrate the new virus free life, I had half a glass of red wine last night. And it tasted so good! But, I wont be doing another one now until my birthday, although my nurse said, that the occasional one now is ok.
Well, trying to go shopping now. The gaping emptiness in my fridge has become unbearable!
maybe we can have naked cocoa butter wrestling at your birthday party and slather each other up and buff each other down...
am hoping to get over this chestiness (cold not tits) in time to see you!
big big love sista x
It would be so great if you were coming. Bring the fiancé too of coz.
And get better real quick.
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