Well, it's actually not only been the weekend. It started Thursday, carried through to Friday, but today has been the worst. I have finally experience the 'flu-like symptoms' and nausea to the point of vomitting. Nothing tastes right either. Will try a bit of ice cream in a minute, just to get rid of the vile taste in my mouth. So glad I dont have to kiss anybody *LOL*. I think my friend Humble is right: the body subconsciously knows when the drugs are coming to the end and kicks up a mighty old stink. Oh well, let it, it won't be for much longer.
Went shopping today, with Pete, because I had to, otherwise there wouldnt have been any yoghurt, fruit and water in the house till next week. But it was the worst experience ever. Felt absolutely horrendous on the bus, totally breathless through the supermarket and could have kicked people on public transport on the way back. Well, as a consolation, I didn't! Could have been fun though *hrr hrr*
With the end of treatment looming, Pete's question about rekindling our previous relationship is looming too. But the more I think about it, the more the answer is NO! I am making a list about the positives and negatives we had when we were together, and unfortunately the negative points FAR outweigh the positive ones. I think I might post it on the forum and wait for people's comments. Should be interesting!!
1 comment:
Sorry you were so sick. At least now you've had every side and can get the highest medal of honor. As far as Pete goes just wait till your head clears. Those pro and con lists are great. I'd like to see you have a man that will take care of you and treat you like a jewel. I had a terrible nightmare about my ex the night before. It still has me shaken up.
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