Now I have got the flu, with all it's symptoms well and proper. Sore throat, nasty cough which leaves me breathless even when lying down, temperature, shivering and cold sweats. I havent been out with the dog since the day before yesterday and she is not well pleased with me. So I was going to try to just waddle around the corner with her to the little green in front of the old folks home, so she can at least have a wee. She is so stubborn and wont go in the garden during the day. Yesterday was just dreadful as she point blank refused to go in the garden. When I actually sent her out, she just lay down and looked very sad. Well, she cant understand that I am ill, can she? And I feel so sorry for her ... more for her than me ;-)
Shot 23 today. It will be interesting how this will slot in with the flu. Will it make the flu worse, will the flue make the sides worse, or will nothing happen? Oh I have such a fascinating life!! Depending how I will feel next week, I might do the last shot on the Tuesday. Then I just have to finish the Ribas and hey ho ... bob's your uncle. I wish! I get more and more the feeling, that detox will be a bitch!
I'm sorry about you and the dog. I'm feeling better and being nicer to my dog again. You will too. And dogs are so sweet and forgiving. Hang in there. Keep communicating with the nurse about that cough.
Great that you understand the dog situation, Humble. Not many people do. You know, I keep promising her long/longer walks in about a months time. I am sure we'll be ok. Yes, they are so forgiving, dogs and cats both. Very unlike husbands/partners LOL. I guess that's why we have dogs and no other side kicks ;-)
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