How very unexpected, shot 5 flattened me for the weekend. Felt fine Friday evening and almost did a post on the forum, that I always feel fine AFTER the shot. But, boy, was I wrong! At about 4am I woke up with the most excruciating pain in my shoulder blades, my lower back, my muscles were like jelly, sinuses totally blocked, nose full of blood. I managed to crawl downstairs to get some co-codamols. Back to bed and waited for them to knock me out. That sort of worked. But I didn't really surface again until Sunday afternoon. Drifted in and out of sleep all day and all night. Forced myself to get up a few times, because I thought I should, browsed the forum unenthusiatically, and always went back to bed after about half an hour. Didnt even have the energy to care about it. Saturday evening I thought it might be down to the antidepressants that I was so tired. Therefore I took them in the evening since then. Didnt make any difference to yesterday, but today is looking slightly brighter. Oh well, maybe I have to put up with a few really nasty ones. The thought that keeps me going is: If my body feels so crap, I hope the virus feels even crappier and decides to leave. A couple of people on Nomads gave me that idea, and I am grateful. Positive thinking ... it does work :-)
The ex surprised me yesterday. After weeks of moaning he finally mowed the back lawn. Despite it being wet, which was always his excuse. And as he brought in so much grass, he even did the kitchen floor afterwards. And all this on top of taking the dog for a walk AND offering me a couple of cups of coffee. Grand gestures, which unfortunately come too late to make any significant difference. Of course I now feel like I have to be eternally grateful and extra nice to him. Grrrrrrr ....
Well, still sitting here in my dressing gown, but getting dressed now and out with the dog. Looks like I've got a bit of energy and I am not afraid to use it LOL
Hey Karina...Glad you're feeling a bit better after the week-end from hell. I'm now officially one of you....Type 3 that is!
treatment does that to us. One day we think we've got it kicked, then it comes around and gives us a new awareness. LOL.
The only pattern I found while on tx is that there ain't no pattern.
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