Shot 5 just gone in. Let's see what happens this time.
Anyway, another let down! Not surprising really, it's me we're talking about. Did I really expect anything different?? Nah! All this talk with the Hep Nurse yesterday, and how great he thought it was that I am taking an interest in my blood, how readily he promised to email the result to me today. Did he? No, of course not. Sent an email this morning sort of first thing, but it bounced back. He had scribbled his email address in such tiny letters, that it was hard to decipher. Anyway, I turned a couple of letters and dots around and sent it again, and it didnt bounce back. So I HAVE to assume he got it, haven't I? Gave him until the end of the day as requested, but nothing came back. And he knows very well, I can't reach him until Monday afternoon now. I think I will write him an email and express my disappointment in no uncertain (but polite) terms. But I am fuming! And I will complain about it all to PALS and MPs, how somebody suggested. At the moment I am collecting evidence ...
Otherwise it was an odd day. A parcel from Werner in Germany arrived with 16 packets of cigarettes! Also the pictures from Malta. Not very good in quality, but a couple of really cute ones of me, I actually look happy and healthy (although I didnt feel it). Wish I had a scanner. Well, I've got one, but I never got it to work. Similar to the many other electrical items I got, which are just gathering dust, because I can't be bothered to read the instructions LOL. So part of the day I was feeling quite 'normal', apart from the breathlessness and the rheumatic pain. Then in the afternoon I started getting hot and cold, my lips suddenly all cracked and generally the side effects came back with a vengeance. Needless to say, I didn't manage to do the many phone calls I should have done. And now it's the weekend. I have yet disappointed myself again, which doesn't exactly contribute to the mood. Antidepressants not kicked in yet. Not achieved the 'no tear' or 'feck it all' stage yet.
Hope I can sleep tonight. Twas dreadful last night. Must have laid awake about 4 hours thinking. Couldnt read, because my eyes were too sore, so there was nothing for it than lay in the dark and ponder. Not very good, when all you want to do is sleep. Well, fingers, toes and legs crossed that it will be better today.
i think they may have given me double the dose as u? first morning felt like i was on an E...dropping everyting and talking all goofy!
so decided to only do a half the 2nd night and didn't feel anything so back to a whole one on night 3 but as it was injection night not sure what i'm feeling today...
i know it takes weeks for it all to even out but i do have to say i like the zing so far. hope yours kick in soon sweetie xxx
Hope you're feeling ok Fishy, chin up chicken, you're doing a great job. Keep on fighting, we're right here with you
Thanks, me luvvies. I have survived!!!
Kittie, I dont feel any zing from the a/d's at all :-( But glad you're enjoying the ride hehe.
Fishy xx
Hot compresses help with the eyes.
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