Not much to say actually. It was somehow a pretty miserable week, much in line with the previous five. Seem to have gotten rid of the heachaches, so that's a plus. Otherwise not very motivated to do anything again. Slouch mood! My bed is my best friend! Day by day drifts by, nothing achieved apart from another day tx. Well, if that is what it is going to be like until the end, so be it. Life will start at the other side of the 24 weeks.
Forced myself to do a few things today, went to the park with Isis for an hour and shopping. I thought, just in case tonight's injection flattens me again, I get everything I need. Just been to the doc for saliva substitute and more oilatum. Why don't doctors never listen? I said I wanted the stuff to rub on. He said, that he doesn't know if that's prescibable. He looked on his clever screen and then informs me: I am going to prescribe you some pastilles. I argued, that I mainly need it at night and I didn't think pastilles were very safe when you suck them half asleep. He said: Oh, just try them! Wrote the prescription out and that was that! Mind you, the pharmacy didnt have the pastilles in stock, so I have to wait until Monday anyway. I'll just have to put up with my sore mouth for a little longer ... dumbidumbi dum.
Ok, time for food, ribas and shot 6 later. Fingers crossed, the ride won't be too bumpy this week.
i got a new crochet pattern that i'm going to try making for my daughter isis. found it free online - its a cute little scarf thing...hoping to start this evening if i can break through this headache!
o my daughter has now bleached her red hair out to the most wonderful bright orange! i'm so jealous. if i did that now on tx mine would all fall out.
weekend hugs xxx
Fishy, get hold of your hep nurse, it really is the tube of gel that you need, not flipping pastilles!!
Nikki xx
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