I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. My housemate and ex that is! Everything he does or doesnt do winds me up. Like him having a bath last night, then I go downstairs, him having gone to bed, and what do I find?? He didnt wipe the bath out, the sink was full of water drops, the floor was wet and the bathmat still on the floor. Needless to say, I did it. At nearly 1am! Also needless to say, that I was so wound up afterwards, that I couldnt go to sleep until about 3am. Then this morning the usual spiel. He has his breakfast, leaves the house and my work surfaces (they are black) are covered in bread crumbs. Every day I say something, every day he leaves it. And just now, he comes home, I am standing in the kitchen cooking dinner, for both of us mind, and he hasnt even got the decency to say 'hello'. I mean, I have given up on expecting that he might ask how I am. I understand that it's not his concern anymore and that is fine. Errrm, not that he has ever asked me how I was. But these repetitive things drive me absolutely nuts!
So, I am planning the perfect murder now :-)
The perfect murder - an icicle drops down from the roof and kills the person who deserves to be killed, then it melts. All you need to do is get the bastard to stand where the icicle will fall, at the right time. At least that's how it was described in a book I read once. This is probably not so easy to do in April...
oh oh maybe thats why you have the snow in April...for the perfect murder.....I would be so mad too. Your aren't yourself on tx and he is not respectful!! He needs to learn to be a grownup.
I watched a CSI episode where they couldn't trace the killer because he had made ice bullets, which after the initial impact and entering through the chest/heart of the victim, melted in the body and left no evidence.
Hehe ice bullets ... now there's a thought :-)
i share with someone i love dearly and think of as another daughter but damn i do dream of the day i can live alone and have a maid again!
what was i thinking sharing again?
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