Anyway, I went downtown at lunchtime, trying to look for a swimming costume, in case we do go swimming when I am there. As I was pottering through the supermarket after an unsuccessful ramble through all the clothes and second hand shops (well, they've all got the winter range of clothing now), I bumped into Nicola, an ex-colleague from the home for homeless young people who I was close to then, but we lost contact. Phone numbers changed and she is a traveller as well, so I would never be able to find out where she was living at any given time. We had a good natter, in the middle of an aisle, and she took my phone number, saying let's get together for some dinner when she is off work. Also, she is now employed at Jamaica Street Hostel for the Homeless, a place where I always wanted to work. I asked her if there was any vacancies and apparently they are looking for receptionists and night staff. So I will be straight on the phone on Monday. The good thing about it is, that there are many drug addicts and alcoholics living there, so I can certainly do some awareness work and maybe progress up the ladder too. Keeping everything firmly crossed for that.
Then I stood at the bus stop and the second ex-colleague from the same place walked past. I called her and she was really happy to see me, hugging me and squeezing me. Again, a good conversation and catch up was had and then she left. Funnily enough I found out that she used to have HepC ... contracted it through snorting cocaine. So she understood treatment and its implications.
So now I am back home, smiling and celebrating life once more. Stuff the negative people, welcome all my shiny people. You know who you are! Blessings to you.
Yes Fishy.
Stay away from the negitive people. Not worth it. And being mad only takes out good energy you need for your health. Great that you ran into that friend. I believe that was meant to be. I have my fingers crossed for that job. You could do much good there. They'd be lucky to have you.
Oh I hope something comes of the job I know how much you want to help others...I saw that in you after the first time I ran into you....
I hope you will be back helping us out with the Newbies soon I for one miss you.Pxx
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