I very much notice that I am getting stronger day by day. Yesterday I did my first long walk with the dog after 6 months. Nearly 2 hours, from here down the Northern Slopes, along the road to Victoria Park, all our usual walks there, and all the way back up the hill. Only at the very last bit I felt a bit breathless. Still struggling with the headaches and foggy brain, and more and more again with achey joints. I was seriously (and probably am still) waiting for the crash and the weepiness and sadness settling in, but so far my mental state has still been one of delight and joy. Maybe I am one of the few who doesn't sink into depression after treatment.
I have started to look for work. Two employment agencies already denied me a job. They didn't actually say that it was because of the Hep C, but wrote 'that after careful consideration' they couldnt offer me work. What else, but HCV would cause that. If I was 'normal', they would have at least invited me for an interview and then probably decided, that I didn't look right. Anyway, I have dug out some hospital and some government jobs, I might or might not apply. In a way I am thinking it would be good to just get 16 hours a week to start with, sort of to get used to work again, although it only has been 8 months at home, and with those hours it wouldnt affect my benefit either. Also, the Bristol Drugs Project is looking for volunteers. That might be a start in the right direction and I wouldn't be out of place there! Still trying to get my head round it all.
First though - holidays. It might not be Malta after all. Werner has not booked anything yet and is leaving the logistics to me. I have to send him the flight I want and he will book it & pay for it. Not a bad arrangement either ;-) I am thinking I might want to go to Sardinia. I know it is very quiet there, so that might be just what I need. Other options are: Zadar in Croatia, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Rimini, Majorca, Jerez or Faro. Oh the choices!!! Funnily enough, I cannot find any flights to Greece, neither Ryanair nor Easyjet. I wonder where they are hiding. I have to hurry up with it too, as Werner wants to go from 23.-30. September. Better make my mind up soon!
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