I had a visitor from the forum on Saturday and also Sunday morning. A very nice person, very lively and outgoing, despite his HepC. He came up to have a look at the house in Ludlow Rd as him, his partner and dog are getting kicked out of their present accommodation by the end of the month. I was mightily embarrassed to take him into the house, it looks worse than I remembered, plus Sally was there as well. Don't know what he thought, but he didn't seem too shocked. I guess he will explain to his g/f and we will see if they do move in and help with the renovations. I need to speak to Doug now and discuss the financial arrangements. This is such a chance for us to both get some money out of the property we both abandoned, really. That's the long term plan anyway, and on the short time scale, I should at least get a car out of it. After all, I will have to transport building materials and run back and forth, seeing that I am the one in situ. Just keeping my fingers crossed that Doug's oh-so-laid-back attitude doesn't interfere. Plus Sally wants to be 'involved in the project'. Well her ideas and mine are chalk and cheese, luckily most of the time she is in Wales, so I reckon that gives me (and the people who will live there) some sort of lee way. It is quite exciting all this planning and seems to give me some extra energy.
Today I haven't got much planned. More squares for the baby blanket, a bit of TV (as I can watch again and it actually makes sense), a bit of housework, a couple of walks with the dog and I devilishly got out of cooking tonight, as I have leftovers for myself from yesterday. Chilli always tastes better the second day, AND I can east it with my favourite noodles ... Suebish Spaetzle yummmmmmmm!!!

all those squares are looking amaxing! wow! i'm going to be packing mine with me to sit and do on the beach...gotta do something to distract me from the eye candy, lol!
have a great vacation if i don't talk to you xxx
Wow. You are really moving on with life. I know in two weeks you'll feel much better. I'm just guessing compared to you being about two weeks behind hepkitty and I.
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