Went round the secon hand shops yesterday, trying to find a frilly blouse I can wear for the pirats party. No luck! I found a pair of combat-trousers, size 0 - 3 months, for my unborn granddaughter though. It is sooooo cute:

But now my daughter is worried that pink tops might not go with it. I told her anything goes, even pink t-shirts & doc martens ;) That little girlie will be a carbon copy of tank girl if they like it or not. Hahaha!
Ebay still wont let me sign into my account, even though the dispute there was about 10 months ago has long been resolved. And everybody I know with an Ebay account, refuses to put my crochet designs on. Daughter is afraid that the social will accuse her of trading professionally, Pete just cant be bothered with a seller account, and all the others ... well ... they cant be bothered either. So I am mulling over how I can possibly sell the stuff. By now I have got 4 ponchos and 1 crib blanket. I am thinking of advertising locally on gumtree. At least that's free!
Bugger, I think I better get back to the CV and then fill in an application form. I cant cope with the stress .... :D
yikes i have no idea what to wear to the pirate party and i have another client thing the night before i have to dress for. maybe just my lacey black shirt?
and have you tried etsy.com to sell your wares on? i love that site and buy alot of stuff from it and have made loadsa friends there too.
what days are you free here?
shall we check out yarn shops and groups and stitch and bitch and itch...(my skin is still so dry!)
as i said on your blog, coming down a day early and leaving on saturday, i guess. free as from thursday afternoon. got just u on the agenda now, and maybe dee and caroline. yarn shops is a good idea, they are pretty thin on the ground here. yes, my skin, and as usual particularly my fingers (although i treat them with overnight lanolin and hands-in-gloves now). have u heard anothing from the others??
ooo...just catching up!
not heard anything from anyone.
so just let me know what the plan is.
*off to check my comments*
see you soo sista!
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