Back to normal ... my life seems to become just that again. Met with my trashy friend Nicola this lunchtime. Did some tearing around town, then sitting down outside a pub (with a J2O) and doing some serious catching up. I hadnt seen her since I quit my job at the Foyer, but bumped into her the week before last in the supermarket. Funny that, I keep meeting people I had thought I lost contact with. Anyway, we are keeping in touch for now, at least until she goes off to India for 5 months in January. Lucky cow LOL. I think I might take over her job at the homeless hostel, that would be grand. She is going to talk to them for me. Bless her!
I felt a bit iffy before I left for town this lunchtime, sort of panicky, with the usual flickery bits in front of my eyes, and that weird empty feeling inside, although I had had brekky, but that was soon gone when I was on the bus. So rushed to Primark before meeting Nic and got myself a skull t-shirt (£2), a black & white striped one (£2) and a pair of knickers (£1). Cant afford any more now that they have cut my benefits to next to nothing. I have written a couple of letters of complaint about that, hopefully they will re-instate it, or I am going to get into serious financial trouble. After all, I have still got a sicknote until December! AND I am looking for work. AND I never got DLA. So how they can expect me to pay rent & bills & eat on £25 a week, I cannot fathom.
On top of that it has transpired, that we will have hardly any money left over if I sign the current papers for the new mortgage. Just met up with Doug very briefly and he is going to phone the agent again. What that guy proposed is not what is on the contract. Typical! And I was so relying on that cash :( Fingers crossed that can be sorted too. And I was still sooooo positive a couple of days ago.
Seeing GP tomorrow to discuss coming off the anti-d's soon. Not daring to try that with the painkillers yet, but it will come .... eventually.
i LOVE that ilustration!
and wonder how i'd look with red red hair..hopefully not like sharon osbourne, lol. and lips is probably the only thing i didnt get botoxed...
so what is the plan with the anti-d's? if i could still sparkle i'd quadruple mine and never come off!
Ohhhh, I thought Botox is mainly put into lips. Shows how far away from all that fashion stuff I am. Just an old trashy hippy-punk I am afraid.
Will see on Friday regarding anti-d's. As I dont sparkle at all anymore, I wouldnt worry about it. But I dont really see there is much benefit from the anti-d's either. I am still as grumpy as before, ok, so I dont give a shit anymore if there is unacquainted love in Eastenders, but surely that is a bonus. I just want to feel what it is like without them. Will I still feel as good in myself as now?
Be careful coming off of them. You may be grumpy but you are still recovering from tx, so thats ok to be a little grumpy.
I think if I ever finish the sweater (you call them jumpers) I'm knitting, I'm going to start crocheting again. I have tons of leftover yarn from various projects. I made a few of those granny square blankets years ago. Take it easy coming off the anti-ds. I was on them from 98 to 99 (delayed reaction to my father dying) - coming off them, I got wicket hot flashes, had to go on HRT.
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