Doogal was here on Monday, which was really nice. Although we dont see each other much anymore and although we have been through such harsh times about 4 years back, we will never loose our special connection. He is the one friend I can talk to about everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, and quite often I dont even have to say something for him to know what I was going to say. Shame he is with that mad woman. I can see how he suffers, but he is not going to leave her, because he feels responsible. Not that I have any interest in that respect in him. Been there, done that ... 20 years ago. But I miss having him around more.
Pete is surprising me at the moment. He is doing a lot more household stuff, even mows the lawn without being asked. I am sure he is after something :-D But I dont think there is any chance of going back there either. Somehow, if it doesnt work the first time round, it's not likely to work at the second attempt. But I will explain that to him, when I am healthy again. I wouldnt be able to mentally survive an argument at the moment without collapsing into a snivveling heap. Some things are best left to later times!
Roll on evening and shot 14 now!
I must remember that - if it doesn't work the first time around, it probably won't work the second time around (or the 12th, or whatever round I'm on with my future-ex).
Yesterday, I was at a loss for words when I told him why it would never work for us, so I just told him it was because he's an asshole.
lol...@ comment above!
and hope shot 14 is going oki.
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