I am doomed I tell you! Number 13 has hit with a vengeance. I have had headaches after shots before, but not quite like this. My muscles and joints keep giving way that moment I am an the stairs, and twice today I found myself sitting down on them unplanned. Quite lucky I didnt fall really. Seems I have to be different in everything. Where as most people find treatment easier either towards the middle or towards the end, I so far had it rough beginning and middle, and somehow I can't convince myself that the end will be much better. And then of course the detox. How quickly will this shit leave my body or am I am going to be one of the really unlucky ones and it decides to never leave?
Today was one of those days where I could have happily just slept through. Even nice weather outside doesnt do it for me anymore. That is so atypical for me! I meant to do the lawns today, clean the rabbit, clean the house, as my landlady is coming round for contract renewal. What have I done? I have dusted, hoovered (downstairs, in the hope she doesnt go upstairs), tried to move the rabbit hutch outside because he stinks, but managed to break a leg off, so now he is stuck halfway in and halfway out the back door (smelly end out LOL) and will go and sweep up and mop the kitchen and porch floor now. I would like to leave that too, but would feel too guilty. On the other hand, I told P 3 days ago that they are coming round and that some cleaning needs to be done. He hasnt lifted a finger! So why should I do everything. And surely Liz wont blame me, knowing about tx and all. So there!!! *evil grin*
I am seriously wondering, if I have over the last few years become asexual. Although I still look at men and women as beautiful or attractive, I dont have the urge to have sex with either gender. In fact the simple thought about sex makes me somewhat cringe. I have never really enjoyed it, only in short bouts at beginnings of relationships, and I have always felt guilty about my reduced sex drive. Now at my age, I dont need excuses for it anymore. It will remain to be seen, if this non-existent libido is actually down to the HCV and/or treatment, and might return when all this is over, or if it is something permanent. It wouldnt greatly disturb me. At my age, nobody ist going to look at me lustily and expect plenty of action between the sheets, so I am safe I think. This does, however, not mean, that I dont love people, because I do. What a weird place to be in!!
i think lots of things will change after tx is over and the hepC has left our bodies...so i'm looking forward to you becoming a rampant sex goddess, lol.
hope you are feeling a bit better today sweetie. xxx
I seem to spend most days asleep now and I think "Shit I have about 69 more weeks of this sleep business" I'll be changing my name to Snow White if it wasn't for my reputation.....Hb was down to 12.7 from 15.7 in 5 days last test done yesterday so I will get the results later today....
May be get on selenium at he end of it all ... I felt really good after the last round, which is why this time I feel so crappy....
I think you're being too harsh on yourself about how others might perceive you... speaking as a mere man... I think you're attractive enough to warrant a good shagging, but I'm married and as you say there is more to relationships than sex.. don't be so hard... be kind to yourself for a change...warmest regards
well, I can always get back with the ex after tx :D
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