I was looking for a yoga class near me this week. Unfortunately I cant find anything on the old Google, the only thing that kept popping up was the Bristo Bhuddist Centre which has meditation drop ins. So I reckon, I should go to that instead at the moment and other things will come from it I am certain. I have such a good vibe from this. They run an early Tuesday morning drop in 7.15am - 8am and a Friday evening drop in 7pm - 9pm. Not sure as yet, which time does agree best with me, maybe I will have to try both and then decide.
I was also looking for a stitch n bitch in my area. Again ... nothing. So, maybe this is telling me to start one? I wonder if there is interest at all in Knowle. I mean it is full of women of all ages, which should mean a few people who are still into knitting or crochet. I know my local NHS walk in centre has rooms for free hire, so that is a possibility as I couldnt hold it at home. Pete would tear the rest of his hair out LOL. Maybe I will print a few leaflets to stick around the local shops with my name, mobile number and email address on it. See who registers interest.
I have finished my first Arigurumi toy this morning and it is soooo cute. Sista Kitty, you got competition :D Unfortunately I can't show a picture of it here as it is meant as a Yule present and the person it is intended for might just read my blog. One never knows ....
Well, I am off to the park with Isis now although it has started to rain quite heavily. Never mind, it will save on dog shampoo and bubble bath hahaha.
I wish everybody a very happy day, whatever you are doing. Love, peace and understanding ....
1 comment:
Spirituality can be very uplifting, and if you can't find ayoga class, start one : )
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