Shot 17 done. 7 left. Not bad! So far so good this week as well. Even the night was bearable. I think it was because I was so worn out from going to and fro for cats and hospital, that eventually last night I just collapsed because my body was screaming for sleep. But that it fine. If only I could wear myself out like that always. But now that I am back home, I am going to fall back into my comfortable trott. I have worked out, it is 56 days of Ribavirin left. I started with 168. So, not bad either. Hopefully some time today I will get my blood results, although I am not really worried. The way I feel hasn't changed for weeks, apart from the cough, but I expected that. Smoking definitely does NOT help it! And I have decided, that once this ordeal is over, I will attack the 'quit smoking issue'. Been smoking for 38 years, only ever tried stopping once ... I think it's time! After having done treatment to get a healthy liver again, I think I should treat my lungs with some attention. Maybe I can prolong my life for a few weeks that way ;-)
Had a very nice evening with Lynne on Tuesday. She cooked some wonderful carrot & coriander soup, which we had with bread and lashings of butter *grin* and she did almond trout and new potato salad. I didn't have the heart to refuse the trout, as she had put so much work in, so I ate it ... and enjoyed it! We rabbited on until just after 10pm and I was exhausted, but happy. I hadnt seen her since I started treatment! Probably wont see her for another few months now. Although she is dead set on coming on holiday with me in autumn, but hey, she did say that a few times before. So wait and see!
Finally managed to acquire my bank statements yesterday, so the will go off to the housing benefit today. Hopefully that should get sorted soon then too. I do feel a bit guilty owing Pete 3 months' rent, but I know it doesnt make him skint, so I suppose it is better than owing it to the landlady, as I would have been kicked out by now. And Pete DOES know he will get the full HB cheque once it arrives. Hopefully soon!
I quit smoking and I loved smoking. If I can quit anyone can quit. I began by switching to only smoking outside. That way I didn't have the trigger later to think of smoking when inside. Also helped to get smoke out of the home air.
humble, I did it the other way round. I used to smoke only outside and since tx, I am smoking almost everywhere. Shame on me, I know. As I said, it's going to be in the not too distant future. I know I can do it, if I put my mind to it.
Fishy xxx
I smoked on and off (mostly on) for 30 years. In September, it will be 9 years since I stopped. I stopped at that time of year, because I didn't smoke inside the house or my car and every place else was going 'smoke free.' I couldn't face another winter huddled outside like a homeless person.
Stopping was the toughest thing I ever did. If I knew that a meteorite was going to hit the eart next week, I'd go out and buy a few cartons of cigarettes and smoke them all!
Ah the dreaded quit smoking!! I cried when I had my last cigarette (very committed smoker!) It's been over 10 years since I smoked. It was really hard but I'm so glad I did it. Went mad got really angry etc bit like tx really!
Hope you are well.
Love from down unda
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